Scheduled Trips with SV GNOSES
Scheduled Tours
We offer three kinds of scheduled trips. All tours include meals, mostly organic when possible (we make an exception for the dietary restricted, when we ask you bring your own). Smaller groups can kayak—large groups (and small) can camp ashore.
In 2022 we still have room in May, but only for Custom tours. We are booked for the remainder of the year.
Our shortest trip is a two (2) day Skidegate Inlet tour that can also be a custom one (1) day tour for the time constrained. Skidegate Inlet divides Graham and Moresby Islands—the two big islands of the Haida Gwaii archipelago. This tour is not in the Gwaii Haanas park, but we see Haida village sites in beautiful places all along the way.
The two-day version cruises to the west coast, spends the night and returns the next day. This trip involves kayak paddling beach-line explorations or an old-growth forest walk, alongside a pristine creek, weather and interest depending. Expect to see a lot of greens; expect them to be wet and expect you will get that way too.
Price for the 2 day trip: $1,325.00 per person, based on a 2 person minimum.
The next longest trip we offer is a four (4) day trip to a Hotsprings Island, sight seeing, visiting rocky shores along the way there and back, doing a little kayaking if possible. Of course, the hot springs are a highlight and they are pretty special.
In the fall of 2012 an earthquake stopped the flow of hot water to the hot-tubs. There was no significant damage to infrastructure anywhere on Haida Gwaii, but the earthquake epicenter was close to the hot springs and the hot water stopped. Flows began again in 2013 but they were from cracks at and below sea-level and the old pools remained dry. In 2014/2015 flows slowly increased and some water is now flowing into the pools though there is not enough water to fill them. There was a temporary shallow pool below the high tide line but it is tidal, and is now off-limits. These springs have been flowing and hot since time immemorial, and stronger flows have resumed. New hot-tubs have been built to match the new flows (still less than earlier), and are finished but it is an ongoing process. For the time being we are not offering this trip as a hotspring destination, although we are happy to stop en route on a longer tour.
There is a lot to see and do. There are lots of islands and isolated islet outcroppings in the southern portions, with seabird rookeries; kelp shorelines, shallow seas, in the north. There are Haida villages where you can see the history where it was made.
Price for the 4 day trip: $2,700.00 per person, based on a 2 person minimum. . In addition there are parks fees and taxes. For 2022, parks entry fees are $21.00 per adult per day, seniors $17.75 and under 17 for free.
Our standard is an eight (8) day trip, which sails for Rose Harbour on Kunghit Island with stops on the way. On this trip we usually traverse the length of South Moresby Island/Gwaii Haanas and again there is much to see. We stop opportunistically, considering wind and rain and tides and passenger wants. On good days with an energetic group we climb rocky shores to views. We try and walk a rocky beach for the low tide animals and there are village sites all along with knowledgeable watchmen who can answer questions and who give the flavor of indigenous life in both olden times and now. The village sites are all beautiful and, of course they are in the best places... but then all the islands are beautiful (though i admit to bias) and are in the best place—out on the edge. And that is where you will be: at sea along the edge.
Often there is time to go kayaking and we usually stop at the hot springs just to see the hot seeps and study the rocks. The geology is interesting. It is still a beautiful place.
Price for the 8 day trip: $5,020.00 per person, based on a 2 person minimum. Taxes are extra and Parks Canada entry fees are an additional $125.50 per adult for a season's pass (seniors are $104.50 and under 17 years old are free).
Please contact us for schedules. Until they are booked, schedules change in response to demand for custom tours (which take precedence until the scheduled tours are booked).
Variations on the Scheduled Tours:
In our experience our longer trips are best arranged as custom tours—these are often modified versions of our standard tours and are the most popular sailing ventures. For example we often do an 8-day trip with an option to be more thorough in our explorations—we arrange for either the return or the start of the trip to be by speedboat, allowing much more time for side-trips and generally more thorough explorations.
Please contact us for a quote with our specific suggestions for your requirements. Quite often custom tours are a bit cheaper, and of course, they can better meet your specific requirements. They do however require a bit of planning.
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Sorry. Hawaii sailing trips are no longer offered due to changes in international regulatory and security regimes.
Copyright Ralph Nelson 2006, All Rights Reserved